Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Egg Collecting and Cooperation

I have to chuckle at the varying strategies the boys have used over the years to collect the Easter Bunny's eggs.  I still have a very vivid picture of Little Man when he was 2 years old, shoving as much candy as possible in his mouth while searching for eggs.  He looked like a chipmunk his cheeks were so packed. 

As expected, in the earlier years it was every man for himself.  I'm sure a young child can barely think straight when thoughts of candy laying around the yard have entered the brain.  They didn't have a search plan, they just ran out into the yard and looked.  As they grew older, you could see them searching more systematically.  For example, they seemed to start at opposite ends of the yard and work their way in.  Of course there's the Squirrel effect and they would get distracted, leaving their system behind. 

This year, the entire week before Easter, they discussed and plotted how they were going to search the yard.  They even put an old basket on a makeshift pulley system in their fort for collecting the eggs.  While I was impressed and perhaps a little dismayed (because their plotting meant they were going to get up really early on Easter morning) their planning went out the window when they hit the ground.  I think mostly due to the fact that it was so elaborate and didn't mesh with their actual tendencies.  Plus, there is always their age and the Squirrel factor. 

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