The boys & I were talking to a sample lady about these delicious little pizza-like items when a pushy woman came up and said to the sales lady, " you have any fresh samples? These look a little old." No, they didn't--they were just the smaller pieces because they came from the outer part of the circle. The sales lady was really nice and said some were just about done grilling and that's when we said "thank you" and went over to the case to pick up some up for ourselves.
We finished our shopping, checked out and headed for the truck. That probably took about 30 or so minutes, because there was a potty stop and a "venting machine" stop (see my post from last summer about the "venting machine";postID=374885236268043931). When we got outside there were two police cars and officers talking to the same woman who needed "freshness." At first it wasn't apparent what was going on. Was she robbed? Was there an accident? As we got closer I noticed she was in an handicap spot. I wondered why they would come to ticket someone in a handicap spot without a hanger or decal, not that I minded because someone who doesn't need that kind of spot but still uses it involves big kahunas and bad kharma. As we drew closer I saw she had a hanger on her rearview--she gets around really very well and is about my age, not that appearances are always a good indicator as to why one has an hanger--but, she also had two gigantic dogs in the truck! I'm talking Mastiffs. It was at least 100 degrees on Saturday, the day this happened. I can't imagine tooling around town, stopping for errands, with any kind of animal in the car. It makes me think of the woman who left her ex-husband's dog in the car while she shopped in Costco and when she came out the dog had died a heat-related death. She had the nerve to go back into Costco (after seeing the dog she fought her ex tooth and nail for lying dead) to return the dog food because she no longer needed it! She even told the employee what had happened, that person then notified the authorities. A friend posted that story on Facebook a while back and it really stuck with me. Apparently, she didn't love the dog but her ex really did and somehow she won that battle (I cried like a fiend reading that sad story and the ex-husband's side of it). Of course Facebook being the medium there were a lot of strange comments and a really heated discussion.
I like to observe and I find people interesting, even the annoying ones. I wonder what they are all about and why. I classify and sometimes "label" (like I just did above), but I try not to judge--I try to discern. However, in both cases I judge. Both women have demonstrated self-centered actions, it's just in the Facebook case things did not turn out so well. At least some Good Samaritan noticed "fresh" lady's dogs and called it in before it was too late. At least she made it back to her car before it was too late. We often say that's never too late, but this one of the rare instances where it potentially could be.
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